Lesson 1. You are unique and beautifully made. Your uniqueness and what makes YOU, is your super power.
Lesson 2. Negative energy can hinder your growth. Never be afraid to stay away
from negative people or bad energy.
Lesson 3. Nothing prepares you for the real world more than experience does. You have to experience life to understand life’s hacks.
Lesson 4. When you do things for others, don’t expect anything back or you may be disappointed. Do it because you want to or because you can.
Lesson 5. God is REAL.
Lesson 6. Your parents mistakes should not determine the outcome of your life.
Lesson 7. Never stop learning. Personal development is key!
Lesson 8. Walk away from things or people that no longer serve you.

Lesson 9. Protect your mental health. Poor mental health can affect everything around you. Your relationships, your business, everything.
Lesson 10. Compete with no one but yourself. Your journey in life is not the same as anyone else’s. Competing is a waste of time.
Lesson 11. Love doesn’t hurt. People do.
Lesson 12. Worrying about what everyone would say will only slow you down in life. Listen to your inner voice and listen to God. Everyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter.
Lesson 13. Addressing the trauma in your life will lead to peace of mind and freedom.
Lesson 14. Growing up is a scam!
Lesson 15. Everybody is going through something. Be kind.

Lesson 16. If they won’t give you a seat at the table, create your own damn table.
Lesson 17. Listen to your children. Believe them when they tell you things.
Lesson 18. Feel sorry for people who hurt you. Hurt people hurt people.
Lesson 19. Rest. Remember to rest.
Lesson 20. Leave your past where it is (in the past) and work towards your future.
Lesson 21. Friends will fall off. this is okay. Not everyone can follow you where God is taking you.
Lesson 22. Always pray to God to only give you the things meant for you. You don’t want the things not meant for you. Trust me.
Lesson 23. Forgiveness will free you. Forgive them, leave them there and forge ahead.
Lesson 24. You owe no one any explanation.
Lesson 25. Go the straight and narrow path when it comes to wealth. It may take longer, it may take sweat and tears, but it will teach you to value money and you sleep well at night.
Lesson 26. No one stores a tree that doesn’t bear fruit
Lesson 27. Being of value is important. It will always earn you a seat at the table.
Lesson 28. Go to anything you want to do without fear. If it works great, if it doesn’t. go back to the drawing board.
Lesson 29. Never ignore signs. All of us that have been in relationships and friendships that didn’t work for us, saw the signs.
Lesson 30. Love and appreciate your parents. They won’t be here forever.
Lesson 31. You only love once. Live your life.
Lesson 32. Don’t envy anyone, everyone has their cup of shit. Regardless of how they mask it.
Lesson 33. Do not let the actions of others affect you. The don’t know you or your story.
Lesson 34. You are beautiful just the way you are.
Lesson 35. Don’t pour into people that do not pour into You.
Lesson 36. Never fail to try more.
Lesson 37. Health is wealth.
Lesson 38. Do not let society pressure you. Live life on your own terms.
Lesson 39. Fall in love as many times as possible.
Lesson 40. Live and Let Live