Good genes and skin care products are just one of the ways to get your skin glowing. However, a good diet is also a critical factor that many fail to consider. Before you run around trying to find the best products and routines for your skin, let’s also take a look at what you eat for a bit. Here are a list of some foods that are dermatologically tested and proven to give you healthier-looking skin.
Avocados contain vitamins C and E, antioxidants that can protect your skin from damage by the sun. Eating avocados regularly helps your skin build resistance to sun damage.
Maybe you’ve been turned off by walnuts because of the taste you get in your mouth when you drink water just after eating them, but you better learn to live with it if you’re obsessed with maintaining that healthy skin. Walnuts are a good source of essential fats, vitamin E and zinc, all of which are nutrients your skin will thank you for. For something so little that packs up so many nutrients, walnuts are heavily underrated.
Sweet Potatoes
The presence of vitamin A and beta carotene in sweet potatoes helps protect your skin from excessive exposure, preventing dry and wrinkled skin and sunburn.
Red/Yellow Bell Peppers
Like sweet potatoes, bell peppers also contain beta carotene, converted to vitamin A in the body. They also contain Vitamin C, which, as previously mentioned, is a strong antioxidant that protects your skin from damage by the sun. Vitamin C can also slow down the wrinkling and ageing of your skin by keeping it firm.
These are also a good source of vitamin C which acts as a sunblock and prevents wrinkling.
Green Tea
Your body stands to benefit much from a daily cup of green tea, and your skin will definitely thank you. From reducing redness, preventing sun damage, and improving hydration/elasticity, there are multiple reasons why you should drink green tea more often.
Olive Oil
Being one of the healthiest oils on earth is a big flex that we have access to it is an even bigger flex. Olive oil is rich in healthy fats and antioxidants that reduce inflammation and slows down skin ageing.
Whilst Cucumber is great on the skin; it also works when you actually eat it. It can help prevent cell damage and improve skin hydration.
N.B. Combining a good diet, and eating the right foods, is an excellent start to your skincare journey. Don’t jump right into the products and routines without first taking care of what you put into your body. Many more foods can help keep your skin healthy and looking young for a long time. The key is also in eating them more regularly.