Quality and affordability are the defining factors that set the all-purpose, daily bags apart from the much-sought-after luxury designer bags. When it comes to the latter, the differences are significant, particularly when considering that even entry-level luxury handbag brands can fetch an average price of four to five figures, which is significantly more than the typical monthly salary of an average worker.
It, therefore, goes without saying that investing in a luxury handbag is not a decision that should be made hastily and that it takes careful thought. However, if you have the right guidance and inspiration, figuring out the high-fashion scene and making your first luxury handbag purchase can be an incredibly thrilling experience for anyone’s unique style. In light of this, this week, we’ve created a brief crash course on what you should know before purchasing your first designer bag.
Oftentimes, a luxury handbag reflects your style; therefore, it is imperative that you consider how well your first designer label bag will complement the rest of your wardrobe before making your selection. Avoid the costly mistake of impulsively purchasing a bag from a boutique just because it matches your outfit of the day. Considering the amount you’re paying, consider the big picture and visualise how the bag will look with different outfits in both formal and informal settings. Choosing something else is always advisable if you can only envision yourself wearing the bag with a few of your regular outfits.
When purchasing your first luxury handbag, another excellent general rule to remember is to avoid following trends. Fashion follows a yearly cycle as a business strategy, releasing a new collection of designs at each stage of the seasonal transition.
When combined with a relentless billion-dollar marketing campaign, every new purse that A-list celebrities and influencers alike wear might seem like a must-have item that is simply too good to pass up. However, the most fashionable handbag of Fall/Winter 2023 will, in actuality, appear incredibly out of date by Spring/Summer 2025. For this reason, you should always seek classic, timeless styles that will last you through the years.
While there’s no easy way or a hard and fast rule to tell if a bag is classic, finding out how long the brand has offered a luxury handbag is usually a solid indicator of whether or not it’s a classic. Certain designer handbag brands, like Lady Dior and Chanel Classic Flap, have been around for decades and are therefore ingrained in the house codes of the respective labels; therefore, it is unlikely that they would be withdrawn. Also, choose more neutral colours, which include everything from black to browns, beiges, and greys, as they are less likely to be swayed by fads. After all, these bags will no doubt never look too dated, given how they will be marketed and promoted by their labels indefinitely.
If you are making your first designer handbag purchase, it’s a good idea to avoid bags that are not versatile and look for a brand that can be customised in various ways. After all, if you want to optimise your cost per wear, versatility is essential. Look for accents that expand a bag’s wearability, such as chains, adjustable shoulder straps, or crossbody straps. A bag’s added usefulness, like outside slide pockets, is lovely. Size is also important; steer clear of bags that are either too big or too small, as these will probably only work for some occasions. Instead, go for the middle-sized bags and select designer handbag shapes that fall somewhere between 24 and 30 cm in length. This will guarantee that the bags have the right amount of space to hold your essentials and the versatility to carry you from day to night.
Lastly, make sure to examine your luxury handbag. Paying for quality gives you the right to demand nothing less than excellence. Ensure the seams on your handbag are evenly stitched and that the edges of each piece of leather have clean glazing. Please ensure that the lining inside your bag is smooth and tight, indicating that it has been placed correctly. Every moving part of the hardware, including the zippers, should be smoothly integrated into the bag and move without interruption.