By Charles Didee Eta
Hurray! It’s Mother’s Day again, an occasion that celebrates the most influential person in our lives. Raised by her, we have little or no choice but to show our gratitude for the love and care she’s shown over the years, sacrificing everything literally for our progress. Oh, sweet mother!
In the spirit of being prepared, this list is created to guide your Mother’s Day shopping with regards to being on a budget, considering the current situation of things in the country.
For clarification, I am referring to Grandmothers, Birth mothers, Stepmothers, Godmothers, Dear Aunties and last but certainly not least, our New Mothers. Each and every one of these women is commendable for accepting their maternal responsibilities and heeding to their natural instincts by putting the lives of everyone else first.
1. Scented Candles.
This is useful in changing the smell of the atmosphere. And fancy enough to be used for decorative purposes, but that’s not even the catch – It serves as a calming and soothing agent because it has dopamine and serotonin, which help with moods. With the amount of accumulated stress over the years, mothers will undoubtedly appreciate this as a gift.
2) Juice Extractor.
There shouldn’t be any complaints here with this being on the list. Considering the health benefits, the consumption of fruit juices is seriously advised. It’s a good way of getting vegetables into your system. The advantages are visible because they refresh and justify good health with concentrated vitamins and minerals. We both know Mom needs that!
3) Perfume.
This is an obvious pick for this list. One thing we all love to reminisce about has to be the fragrance of a perfume. It draws back memories from long ago. Sometimes we even attach unique scents to people, and emotions linger long. Think about the moments you’ll unleash in the mind of your mother. Assuredly, she will be pleased.
4) Comfort Slippers
Putting your mom in a state of comfort should be a priority. Regardless of her age, her feet certainly need a softer approach to life – think about it. If you know anything about handling tasks and responsibilities on the move, then you’ll understand why this gift is validated for being here.
5) Music CD/ Vintage Record Player
This may not be an all-time favourite gift, but one thing we would agree on is that there is undoubtedly something about music. The likeliness of getting your mom to move her body doing an old school dance step is significant. But it wouldn’t have been possible without rhythm. Music plays an essential role in enjoying this life, believe it or not.
6) Jewellery
There is almost no better way to say ”thank you” than giving a piece of jewellery; they are precious. Whether it’s earrings or a customised bracelet, necklace with a locket or rings, they signify that you place value on your mother figure. She will cherish her adornments for the longest time. A perfect treat without breaking the bank, if you feel me.
7) Natural skincare products
A way to ensure Mom gets good daily pampering would be to give her natural skincare products that help her maintain her skin and glow. Indeed, this unique gift approach will only cause her to radiate every day because of you.
8) Fabrics
Controversial, I know, but give this to Mom this year, and your siblings will certainly follow suit in the years to come. Apart from the fact that African women are big on textiles, it comes as a thing of pride when you’ve provided the materials, she can use to create fabulous styles that’ll have her looking fashionable amongst her friends. Concern for her wellbeing can’t get any better, I tell you.
9) Personalised Mug
Depending on what your mum likes, morning tea, coffee and even water would be made extra special just because of how personal the mug will be to her. She’ll be a bit more careful handling it but wouldn’t appreciate it being used without her permission.
10) A Photo Frame
Appreciation will be an understatement, for how you would make your mother feel for giving her either a framed portrait of herself, a shared moment with her or the photo of the entire family she laboured for through her years. It has been said that a picture speaks more than a thousand words, but getting it framed is sentimental on an entirely different level. Meaningful is the best way to describe this particular gift.